Or if you don't need the Spellcaster or Animal pages, click here!
EDIT: Some people are having trouble accessing the downloads through Patreon, so I have created a public dropbox folder with all of my character sheets HERE.
It's that time of year again - the time I roll out a new and improved character sheet for use with the Pathfinder roleplaying game.* This one marks a distinct break from previous iterations of the character sheet:
Keen eyed readers will note that this character sheet is sideways. The idea behind the move from 'portrait' to 'landscape' is that the sheet won't project out onto the gaming surface as much, leaving more room for the battle map on cramped tables. At the same time, I was able to fit even more stuff on each page! Fans of my older character sheets will notice a lot of streamlining in design. Let's dig into it page-by-page and check out all the unique and useful features this character sheet offers!
Action Page
Each page of the sheet is organized thematically, so you always know which page you can find a given piece of information on. The Action Page is where you will find all the most commonly referenced aspects of your character - skills, combat abilities (except for spells), health, armor, saves, equipped magic items, potions, and more. What you won't find is a place for your ability scores or a description of your character; those have moved over to the Character Page.
- First you'll notice the d20 Despot logo. Brand recognition!
- Initiative is right at the top. I noticed new players were having trouble finding the Initiative on m older character sheets.
- Rolled Hit Dice sits above the health box. I've found it useful to record the actual dice rolls you make for your health, so you can go back later and double check if you actually have as much HP as you should.
- The HP section has a small box for recording your total, a much larger box for recording your wounds/current HP (however you want to do it), and small boxes for temporary HP and nonlethal damage.
- Damage Reduction is right below HP so you remember to reduce your damage. Same with Resistances/Immunities, something that the basic character sheet from Paizo does not have despite the many races and classes which get energy resistances or immunities. You can also use that space to record things like an elf's immunity to magical sleep or a 3+ level paladin's immunity to diseases. Spell Resistance is hanging out there too, because it fits.
- The section for Defensive Abilities is where you write down that you have Evasion or Uncanny Dodge, record your magic armor's Fortification, or any number of other miscellaneous defenses you might want to write down.
- The Condition box is brand new to this character sheet. That's where you write down ongoing conditions or status effects that you need to keep track of, like "Bless - +1 to attack and saves vs fear - 3 mins" or "Shaken - -2 on attacks, saves, skills, abilities - 4 rounds" or "On fire again - 1d6 fire dmg/rd. - stop, drop, and roll!"
- The AC and CMB/CMD sections have been redesigned and updated. There is a box for your Dodge bonus to AC (something the basic Pathfinder sheet doesn't have) and a box for your Size bonus (something the previous version of my sheet didn't have). In the CMD section, I've added a box for "Deflection, Dodge, and Misc" because (and this is something I didn't know until recently for some reason) any circumstance, deflection, dodge, insight, luck, morale, profane, and sacred bonuses to AC also apply to your CMD. Perhaps the most helpful addition, however, are the black and grey lines which show which bonuses apply to your Touch and Flat Footed armor classes and to your CMB and CMD - a feature which will help both new players and seasoned veterans.
- Next to the Base Attack Bonus box is a box for Two-Weapon Penalty. That's for recording what penalty to apply when you use two weapons (typically -2/-2 if you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat and the weapon in your off-hand is light, or -4/-8 if you don't and your off-hand weapon is light).
- Conditional Attack Modifiers is where you would write stuff like "Sneak Attack +4d6", "Point Blank Shot +1 atk & dmg", or "Favored Enemy (Undead) +4)".
- In your Special Abilities section, you can keep track on how many rounds of Rage or Bard Song you've used, or how many times per day you can Lay on Hands or Channel Energy, or any of the other myriad special abilities each class gets.
- The Pool box lets you record how many points you have available in your ki, arcane, grit, or panache pool, or whatever other pools there are or will be in this game. Maybe you can use it for Mythic stuff too - I don't have that rulebook. There's a tiny space down below for writing reminders about what you can spend your pool points on.
- The Weapons boxes have all your typical sections, plus an area for writing notes about the weapon (its magic powers, what it looks like, maybe even its personality). Note the space for weight, value, and location under each weapon box.
- Instead of having a little 'ammunition' section with each weapon, Ammunition has been moved over to its own box on the right, where you can record how many of each type of ammunition you have in your quiver.
- Below that is a place for recording what Potions and other alchemical party favors you have on your potion belt. This sprang from a discussion Kent Hamilton and I had about how he always forgot to use potions (other than healing potions) and alchemical items because they weren't on the first page. There's a spot for writing down the potion's Caster Level, because that's really important for how the potion functions. Although you could technically carry 24 potions by wearing three masterwork potion belts (two across the chest bandolier-style and one in the normal belt region, I figured most of those would be multiples of the same potion, so to save space there are only 10 potion slots on the character sheet.
- Below that is a space for Other Items Not in Pack, stuff you would have at the ready like thieves' tools, rope, or a horn. The rules as written say that retrieving a stored item (like one in your pack) is a move action - if you agree with that, I have a challenge for you: next time you are wearing a backpack full of stuff, see if you can grab a specific item out of it in under six seconds and still have time to chuck it at the nearest person. I would rule that retrieving an item from your pack (that is, anything recorded on your Inventory Page, not in the 'Other Items' box on the Action Page) takes a full-round action which provokes attacks of opportunity.
- Worn Magic Items have been moved from the Inventory page to the Action page so that they are more easily remembered in combat. Never again will you forget that you are wearing your Cloak of Effulgent Escape or your Necklace of Fireballs when you need them. Rather than putting the different slots (neck, shoulders, belt, etc.) in alphabetical order or trying to order them by their position on the body somehow, I ordered them based on how many unique magical items there were for each slot in Ultimate Equipment. This means that the heavy hitters like Belt and Shoulders (everyone loves cloaks!) are up near the top, while lesser-used slots like Eyes are down near the bottom. There are also two spaces for slotless items like ioun stones.
- Below that is a place for Wands, Rods, Staves, and Scrolls, complete with reminders to write down caster levels and the number of charges, if applicable. These should just be wands and scrolls and such that you have at hand, not ones stuffed deep in your backpack.
- I've re-worked the Skills section, alternating grey and white to help guide the eye across the table (I didn't put grey over the bits where you'll be writing a lot, because that would mess up erasers and make the character sheet degrade faster). I've also added a note next to skills that the armor check penalty applies to. I've moved Knowledges down to the bottom for organizational clarity.
- You may also notice that I have re-worked the Speed section.
- Above that is a small space to write your character name and the name of the campaign, in case this page gets separated from your Character Page somehow.
Character Page
- Here is where you write down all the important stuff about your character. The other two pages are all about the things you have or the things you can do; this page is all about you. You've got your:
- Ability Scores, including a space for temporary scores, in case you take ability damage or something. I've also found it useful for writing down a raging barbarian's ability scores.
- There's a place for writing down Traits if you use them, which you should because they are fun.
- Plenty of room for Feats and Special Abilities.
- And look at that big ol' space for your Character Portrait!
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At the bottom of the 'Feats' section, you have an area to note your weapon and armor proficiencies. This is especially useful if you are using my house-rule that changes the way weapon proficiencies work, but it should come in handy for most everyone. This section was introduced in the previous iteration of this character sheet, but a check-box for 'bucklers' has been added to the 'armor proficiencies' section in case you are playing a swashbuckler.
At the top of the 'Special Abilities' section is a line specifically designated for vision- and sense-based abilities, like darkvision, low-light vision, scent, blindsense, or what-have-you.
The Languages section is fully compatible with my
Below that is a place to write your favored class and what bonus you get for leveling up in it. This is right above the 'experience points' box because I noticed a lot of my players (and myself) often forgot about it when leveling up (and that's another good reason to record your rolled hit dice each time you level up!).
Inventory Page
Loot! Everyone loves loot! But where do you keep it?
- The main Inventory section is divided into two potential containers, probably a backpack and a bag (maybe a bag of holding), including space to write down what those containers are. Pretty standard stuff.
- Then there is a place to keep your treasure, divided up between Coins and Gems, Jewelry, and Art Objects. Finally, a place to record your horde of electrum coins and that golden clock shaped like a galleon!
- There is a section for Party Loot, including a separate place for recording coins that have yet to be divided up. As I explained last time, "Oftentimes, while playing D&D, your adventuring party will just record the loot they get on a separate sheet of paper called the 'party loot sheet', to be divvied up later when they get back to town. But more often than not, it just becomes a way to carry a lot of loot without anyone actually carrying it. Well, now there's a separate section on every character sheet where people can put loot that is to be divvied up later (including coins), but they are actually carrying it. Now your group can't defy the laws of physics without purchasing actual physics-defying extradimensional storage spaces. And if one of the party members goes tumbling into a pool of bubbling lava, you know exactly what part of the party loot he took with him. This is also a handy section for recording what stuff you guys are keeping in your wagon, if you are the type of adventuring party that likes traveling with a wagon. "
- As a reminder to folks that encumbrance matters, right next to the place where you record what your light, medium, and heavy loads are is a little table summarizing the effects of encumbrance.
- A good chunk of the Inventory Page is taken up by a space for notes (for the simple reason that they fit better here than on the Character Page). It doubles as extra space to record stuff in your inventory, if you carry a crazy lot of stuff all the time. At the bottom is a designated section for recording your vanquished opponents, because I notices a lot of my players liked to keep track of either how many monsters they had personally killed, or what significant monsters or adversaries they had slain. It's also a good place to record what trophies you take, if you are that sort of character.
- There's a section just for Clothes! Are you wearing your arming doublet, your traveling clothes, your fancy town clothes, or your cold-weather gear? How about that totally pimpin' captain's hat you stole from Barnacle Beard? There are check boxes along the side to keep track of what clothes you are wearing at any given time (in case you get engulfed by some sort of acidic ooze), and a place to record the weight of the clothes. Remember, unlike in D&D 3.5, the weight of the clothes you are wearing counts toward your encumbrance! If you don't believe me, try running in a wool suit and see if it's any better than running in shorts and a T-shirt.
- Below that is a small space for recording Possessions Not On Person. Sometimes you own cool stuff like a marble bust of yourself, or a rug that really ties the room together. You don't carry that crap around; you keep it in your hideout, or wherever. There's even a place to record where any particular item is.
- And finally, Food and Drink. Never go adventuring on an empty stomach.
- The right two-thirds of the caster page are dominated by big sections for Spells Known/In Spellbook and Spells Prepared. Obviously this is most useful for book-based casters like wizards, magi, and alchemists, who need the two separate lists. Spontaneous casters like sorcerers and bards need the Spells Known section, but they could use the Spells Prepared section for extra space or recording how many spells of each level they have expended. Divine casters like clerics and druids might use each column as a separate 'spell list' - perhaps they prepare a certain set of spells whilst dungeon crawling and a different set of spells during an overland adventure.
- The Notes section in the bottom left is a good place for writing down any magical reminders like "Minor Ring of Spell Storing (magic missile, bull's strength)" or things to that effect. Characters with inherent spell-like abilities (such as those granted by being a gnome or a tiefling) might choose to write them down here rather than in the Special Abilities section on their Character Page. A wizard character with a familiar who doesn't use it that often might write down basic stats for it here instead of using a whole Animal Page on their little toad. Basically, it's a note section - use it however you want.
- Right next to the normal section where you write down you spells known, spells per day, bonus spells, and the save DC of your spells, I've added a column for Defensive Casting DC by spell-level as a handy reminder.
- There is a large-ish area for writing down spell save DC modifiers, for those folks who have traits or special abilities that improve some but not all of their spell save DCs.
- Below that is a section for Concentration, along with another large-ish area for conditional modifiers, because I've noticed a lot of things that give you a bonus to your concentration only apply under certain circumstances.
- Below all that is a place for writing down your Domains, School, or Bloodline (or whatever other weird magical character-customization options your class allows) and the special Powers that you are granted.
Animal Page
A whole lot of classes, from druid to summoner to cavalier, give you an animal of some kind. Plus, you could just buy an animal or whatever if you don't get a special one from you class. I've heard horses can be pretty useful. The official Pathfinder character sheet doesn't have anywhere for your animal, so naturally I've provided a full page for it.
Not much to talk about on this page that hasn't been covered above. I've incorporated a lot of the new improvements like the Conditions section into this one. Since most animals don't get much in the way of skills, the Skills section is pared down to eight spots you can fill in at your leisure. The Equipment section has plenty of room for writing in info about any mundane or magic items the animal may have equipped, and below that is an Inventory section for saddlebags and pack-animals and the like.
I hope you find my Advanced Character Sheet v3.0 to be useful. Leave me a comment below if there are parts of it that are particularly useful or bits that you just don't like! I always like to hear feedback on my work, because I'm constantly trying to improve.
Like everything on d20 Despot, this character sheet is a labor of love. I've put dozens of man-hours into this thing, and I'm really proud of it. If you want to support me in my endeavors to bring you free resources for players and GMs, please consider supporting me on Patreon!
-your Advanced d20 Despot
*Neither d20 Despot nor any version of my advanced character sheet is endorsed by or associated with Pathfinder or Paizo. Pathfinder and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc.
We'll be playtesting this tonight! It's a one-off adventure and Andrew told me not to play my nice, squishy fire-throwing sorcerer, so I'll be sans-spells. (sad Andrea is sad without fireballs)
ReplyDeleteWe'll be playtesting this tonight! It's a one-off adventure and Andrew told me not to play my nice, squishy fire-throwing sorcerer, so I'll be sans-spells. (sad Andrea is sad without fireballs)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletevery useful content help me lot i play that game from last 1 yr but not find sheet like you provide thanks for that and keep posting about that I also find a new latest one that useful for all
ReplyDeletevisit :- www.pathfindercharactersheet.net
ReplyDeleteI would love to use this character sheet, it look awesome. unfortunately the link on the Patreon page says "not found." is there a way to get this file still?
Thanks for letting me know: I've added a link at the top of the page to a public dropbox file where you can find the files for all of my character sheets. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
DeleteLove this sheet! I would be interested in changing a few things that swap out some house rules. May I request permission to edit a new version (would be happy to contribute to your Patreon as needed). Great work!
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, feel free to edit the sheet to your needs. If it helps, I've added .png files of each character sheet page to a public dropbox folder (new link at the top of the page).
DeleteHi there, super late to the party but I love all the sheets you have made! I was wondering if you would be willing to share an editable version. We would like to customize to our home game (no distribution or otherwise) and will credit you accordingly. I would like to tweak aversion without the language house rules and more space for special abilities on page 2.