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Basan illustration for Ehon Hyaku Monogatari by Takehara Shunsen (1841), via Wikimedia |
When converting this beast into a monster stat block, I briefly considered making it some sort of undead cockatrice because the descriptions of its unburning ghost-fire made me think of negative energy attacks. In the end, I kept the negative energy angle and made the basan a living creature that was affected by negative energy in the same way that the undead are. Despite its outwardly comical appearance (giant chickens are almost never unfunny), the basan needs to be an eerie monster, hence its connection to the plane of negative energy and its association with undeath.
The following text in gold is available as Open Game Content under the OGL. Open Game Content is ©2016 Jonah Bomgaars.
A ghostly flame emanates from this menacing
fowl’s beak
Basan CR 3
XP 1,200
NE Small magical
Init +7; Senses low-light vision, darkvision 60
ft.; Perception +7
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 11 (+3
Dex, +1 dodge, +1 size)
hp 37 (5d10+10)
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +3
Defensive Abilities channel resistance
Immune fire
Weaknesses negative energy affinity
Speed 20 ft., fly 30 ft. (poor)
Melee bite +9 (1d4-2 plus 1d6 negative
Special Attacks ghost fire breath (1/1d4
rounds, 15 ft. cone, 4d6 cold and negative energy damage)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd)
3/day – invisibility
(self only)
Str 6, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 3, Wis 15, Cha 11
Base Atk +5; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Weapon
Skills Climb +2, Fly +1, Perception +7,
Stealth +12
SQ preen
Ghost Fire Breath (Su)
The basan
can breathe a 15-foot cone of cold, ghostly fire as a standard action every 1d4
rounds, dealing 4d6 points of damage to all within the area of effect (Reflex DC
14 for half). Half the damage dealt is
negative energy damage and half is cold damage.
The basan cannot heal itself with its own breath weapon, but it can heal
undead that are immune to cold. The save
DC is Constitution-based.
Negative Energy Affinity (Ex)
The basan is
alive, but is treated as undead for all effects that affect undead differently
than living creatures, such as cure spells and channeled energy.
Preen (Ex)
A basan can
preen itself, letting the negative energies that flow from its beak heal it for
1d6 points. This is a full-round action
that provokes attacks of opportunity.
Environment temperate mountains, hills,
and forest
Organization solitary, pair, flight
(3-5), or flock (6-12)
Treasure none
Similar to a
cockatrice, this monstrous fowl has a cruel beak, wicked talons, a feathered
body, and leathery bat-like wings. Its
feathers – red, blue, and green – seem muted, as if they were constantly in
shadow. Only its wattle and comb are
truly vibrant, burning bright red like fire.
A rare color variation has black and dark purple feathers, silver-grey
skin, and a bright blue wattle and comb.
Basan have an inherent magical connection to
negative energy, which has given rise to the false assumption that basan are
undead cockatrices. A ghostly flame emanates
from its beak, but it is not true fire; it is deathly cold and does not
burn. They eat charred wood and embers,
but because their fire does not burn they cannot make their own food, prompting
them to invade settlements and campsites in search of dying fires. When discovered, they will usually use their
natural invisibility to escape, but will attack with ghost fire if they are
desperate or if they feel they are at an advantage.
-your fowl d20 despot
Cool that you did this guy, but small? It is typically portrayed as giant (huge+).