Today's Monster Monday is Herne, king of the Wild Hunt. This ethereal huntsman rides his trusty steed through the woods accompanied by a far-seeing owl and two noble hunting dogs. His motives are a mystery, but tales of this lonesome rider who hunts across the realms of men and fey have spread far and wide.Sometime a keeper here in Windsor Forest,Doth all the winter-time, at still midnight,Walk round about an oak, with great ragg'd horns;And there he blasts the tree, and takes the cattle,And makes milch-kine yield blood, and shakes a chainIn a most hideous and dreadful manner.You have heard of such a spirit, and well you knowThe superstitious idle-headed eldReceiv'd, and did deliver to our age,This tale of Herne the Hunter for a truth.- William Shakespeare, The Merry Wives of Windsor
The tale of Herne the Hunter is first attested in William Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor (quoted above) which tells of a ghostly huntsman who haunts a particular oak. The story may originate in the execution of a poacher named Richard Horne during the time of King Henry VIII. The legend of Herne was expanded upon in Harrison Ainsworth's 1843 novel Windsor Castle, whence comes the illustration below.
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Illustration of Herne the Hunter by George Cruikshank, via Wikimedia |
a wild spectral-looking object, possessing some slight resemblance to humanity, and habited, so far as it could be determined, in the skins of deer, strangely disposed about its gaunt and tawny-coloured limbs. On its head was seen a sort of helmet, formed of the skull of a stag, from which branched a large pair of antlers; from its left arm hung a heavy and rusty-looking chain, in the links of which burnt the phosphoric fire before mentioned; while on its right wrist was perched a large horned owl, with feathers erected, and red staring eyes.Some have tried to find the origins of the Herne story in the Celtic god Cernunnos. While both Cernunnos and Herne are antlered huntsman, it seems to me a bit of a stretch to assume that a story first attested in 1597 has its origins in a god not worshipped there for 1000 years. Nevertheless, it makes for a pretty rad monster.
Herne is a whole combat encounter rolled into one monster, mostly because he is never without his two loyal hounds, his noble steed, and his enigmatic owl. These ethereal beasts are treated in essentially the same way as a druid's animal companion; the herne is considered a 15th level druid for the purposes of his hunting companions, with those 15 levels divided up between the horse, dogs, and owl. So when a party fights the herne, they are actually fighting five individual creatures. Check out the dauntingly long stat block below.
The following text in gold is available as Open Game Content under the OGL. Open Game Content is ©2017 Jonah Bomgaars.
A ghostly huntsman appears, riding a misty
steed. His head is a stag’s skull. Two ethereal hounds keep pace, and an owl
with glowing eyes flies silently ahead of him.
Herne CR 12
XP 19,200
N Medium fey
Init +8; Senses low-light vision, share senses; Perception
AC 20, touch 20, flat-footed 12 (+8
Dex, +2 deflection)
hp 110 (20d6+40)
Fort +8, Ref +20, Will +17
DR 10/cold iron; SR 23
Defensive Abilities incorporeal
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +2 longsword +20/+15 (1d8+2/19-20)
Ranged +1 huntsman shortbow +20/+15 (1d6+1/x3) 60ft.
Special Attacks horn of the hunt,
huntsman’s stare
Str --, Dex 26, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 20, Cha 14
Base Atk +10; CMB +18; CMD 28
Feats Weapon Focus (shortbow), Deadly
Aim, Mounted Combat, Mounted Archery, Trample, Point-Blank Shot, Far Shot,
Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Manyshot
Skills Acrobatics +11, Bluff +10,
Diplomacy +15, Handle Animal +22, Knowledge (geography) +15, Knowledge (local)
+15, Knowledge (nature) +20, Knowledge (nobility) +7, Perception +28, Ride +28,
Sense Motive +23, Stealth +21, Survival +25
Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan
SQ ethereal treasure, hunting
companions, share sight, swift tracker
Ethereal Treasure (Ex)
If slain,
the herne’s treasure includes +2
longsword, +1 huntsman shortbow, 40
masterwork arrows, and a horn of the
huntmaster. Each item of treasure
has a 50% chance of remaining on the material plane, otherwise it disappears
into the ethereal plane. If the herne is
subject to dimensional anchor or a
similar effect at the time of his death, all of his treasure remains on the
material plane.
Horn of the Hunt (Su)
Once every
1d6 rounds, as a standard action, the herne can blow his horn. All enemies within 60 feet who hear it must
make a DC 22 Will save or become shaken for 2d4 rounds and have their movement
speeds reduced by 10 feet (to a minimum speed of 10 feet). Those who succeed on their save are shaken for
1 round and their move speed remains unchanged; they cannot be affected again
by the same horn for 24 hours. This is a
mind-affecting sonic fear effect.
Hunting Companions (Ex)
The herne is
never without his hunting companions: an ethereal steed, two ethereal hunting
dogs, and an ethereal owl. These
creatures function as a druid’s animal companions except as noted below and in
their descriptions. For the purposes of
his hunting companions, the herne’s effective druid level is 15, and is divided
amongst each of them as follows: 6 levels for the ethereal steed, 3 for each
hunting hound, and 3 for the owl. Each
companion is incorporeal, gains DR10/cold iron and SR equal to 10 plus their
HD. Any natural armor bonus is converted
into a deflection bonus. Each hunting
companion is combat trained. Their
natural attacks deal damage as if they were one size category larger. The hunting companions count as both animals
and magical beasts for any effect related to creature type. The hunting companions use the herne’s Will
save against mind-affecting effects.
The herne’s hunting companions must remain
within 100 feet of the herne at all times; if ever they are further than 100
feet away from the herne, they must make a withdrawal action toward the herne
at the next available opportunity. If
the herne is slain, his surviving hunting companions persist for a number of
rounds equal to the herne’s Charisma modifier (2) after his death. If one of the herne’s hunting companions is
slain, he can conjure a new one with a ceremony lasting 24 hours.
Huntsman’s Stare (Su)
As a swift
action, the herne can focus his gaze on a single target within 60 ft. That target must make a Will save (DC 22) or
become paralyzed until the beginning of the herne’s next turn. If the herne maintains his gaze on the
target, each successive round triggers a new saving throw for the target, but
the DC goes up by 2 for every consecutive round the target has been paralyzed
by the huntsman’s stare.
As a standard action, the herne can instead
make a huntsman’s stare attack through the eyes of his owl companion, using the
herne’s statistics in place of the owl’s.
The herne cannot make a huntsman’s stare attack through his owl if he
has already made a huntsman’s stare attack that turn. The owl cannot make any additional attacks in
a round that it makes such a gaze attack; this is a standard action for the owl
as well.
This is a sight-based mind-affecting fear
effect. The save DC is
Share Senses (Su)
The herne
and his hunting companions share the same senses and lines of sight. They may each make Perception checks or
Survival checks to track using the highest Perception or Survival bonus from
among the five of them. If one of them
is blinded or otherwise sensorially impaired, it can still see or sense what
the others can. Sense-based special
abilities are not shared between the companions, but each companion has access
to the information gained from such senses (for example, the herne does not
gain scent just because his hunting dogs have scent, but the herne does know
what each hunting dog scents). Each of
the herne’s hunting companions adds 2 to the herne’s Perception bonus; this is
incorporated into the base statistics presented above. If any of the hunting companions is more than
100 feet away from the herne, it ceases to share senses with any of the other
companions until it is within range again.
Swift Tracker (Ex)
The herne
takes no penalty for using Survival to follow tracks while either he or his
mount is moving at normal speed, and takes only a -10 penalty while either he
or his mount is moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.
Environment any forest
Organization solitary
Treasure standard (+2 longsword, +1 huntsman
shortbow, 40 masterwork arrows, horn
of the huntmaster; ethereal treasure)
Hunting Companion, Ethereal Steed
N Large
animal (incorporeal)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent, share
senses; Perception +7
AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 17 (+2
Dex, -1 size, +8 deflection)
hp 51 (6d8+24)
Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +3 (+7 vs.
enchantment, +21 vs. mind-affecting effects)
DR 10/cold iron; SR 16
Defensive Abilities evasion,
Speed 50 ft.
Melee bite +6 (1d6), 2 hooves +6 (1d8)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str --, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 16
Feats Improved Overrun, Power Attack,
Stable Gallop
Skills Perception +8, Stealth +7
SQ combat trained, devotion, link,
share senses
Hunting Companion, Ethereal Hunting Dog
N Small
animal (incorporeal)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception
AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 15 (+1
size, +4 Dex, +4 deflection)
hp 22 (3d8+9)
Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +2 (+17 vs.
mind-affecting effects)
DR 10/cold iron; SR 13
Defensive Abilities evasion,
Speed 40 ft.
Melee bite +7 (1d6)
Str --, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 15
Feats Lightning Reflexes, Toughness
Skills Acrobatics +8, Perception +7
SQ combat trained, link, share senses
Hunting Companion, Ethereal Owl
N Small
animal (incorporeal)
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 14 (+1
size, +3 Dex, +3 deflection)
hp 16 (3d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +3 (+17 vs.
mind-affecting effects)
DR 10/cold iron; SR 13
Defensive Abilities evasion,
Speed 10 ft., fly 80 ft. (average)
Melee bite +6 (1d6), 2 claws +6 (1d4)
Str --, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 14
Feats Flyby Attack, Lightning Reflexes
Skills Fly +8, Perception +6
SQ combat trained, link, share senses
The herne is
an ethereal fey huntsman, riding eternally through the woodlands of the fey and
mortal realms. He has the figure of an
ancient hunter, but his head is the skull of a stag, and his eyes glow
eerily. He is always accompanied by a
troupe of ghostly animals that aid in his hunt: a steadfast steed, two noble
hunting dogs, and a mysterious owl, all of which have glowing eyes and seem to
fade in and out of existence as they move.
During times of great unrest, important festivals, and lunar
convergences, the herne is sometimes joined by a plethora of other ethereal
huntsmen in an event called the Wild Hunt, known to strike fear and awe into
any mortals who chance to bear witness to it.
-your superstitious idle-headed d20 despot
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