While I was statting it up, I was considering what kind of ranged weapon it should have: should it chuck a mighty spear, or go a more centaurish approach and wield a bow. Neither option quite felt right, but then I realized that I could just make it throw greataxes.
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Photo by Wolfgang Sauber, via Wikimedia
Gilded Minoan axes in Herakleion Archaeological Museum. |
But enough about boring old two-legged minotaurs. Let's learn more about this twin-labrys-wielding, four-hoofed minocentaur:
The following text in gold is available as Open Game Content under the OGL. Open Game Content is ©2017 Jonah Bomgaars.
This beast has the shaggy upper body of a minotaur and the powerful lower body of a raging bull
Minocentaur CR 6
XP 2,400
CE Large monstrous
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12
AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+8
natural, +2 Dex, -1 size)
hp 76 (8d10+32)
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +7
Defensive Abilities natural cunning
Speed 50 ft.
Melee two greataxes +10/+10/+5 (1d12+5/x3),
gore +7 (1d6+2), and 2 hooves +7 (1d6+2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Ranged greataxe +9 (1d12+7/x3) 10ft.
Special Attacks powerful charge (gore
+14, 2d6+7), trample (1d6+7, DC 19)
Str 21, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +8; CMB +14; CMD 26
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Bull
Rush, Power Attack, Ride-By AttackB, Run
Skills Intimidate +7, Perception +12,
Stealth +4, Survival +12, Swim +9; Racial
Modifiers +4 Perception, +4 Survival
Languages giant
SQ greataxe mastery
Greataxe Mastery (Ex)
are masters of greataxe fighting. When attacking with greataxes, they gain
access to the feats Double-Slice, Throw Anything, Two-Handed Thrower, and Two-Weapon Fighting as bonus
feats, even if they do not meet the prerequisites. Minocentaurs treat greataxes
as light weapons for the purpose of determining two-weapon fighting penalties.
Unnatural Cunning (Ex)
Like true
minotaurs, minocentaurs possess an innate cunning that gives them immunity to maze spells and prevents them from ever
becoming lost or being caught flat-footed.
Environment temperate forests and
Organization solitary, pair, gang
(3-6), tribe (7-26 plus 3 hunters of 3rd level and 1 leader of 6th
Treasure standard (two greataxes, other
are powerful, centauroid creatures with the bull-headed upper bodies of
minotaurs and the quadrupedal lower bodies of bulls. They are legendary
warriors, roaming their territories in bands and tribes, making frequent raids
on local settlements purely for the sport of battle. They revel in warfare,
especially in the art of the greataxe, which they learn to master from a young
age. After battle, they amuse themselves by telling outlandish tales of their
exaggerated exploits and giving each other intricate tattoos. Although
outsiders tend to think of them as a cross between minotaurs and centaurs,
minocentaurs (who refer to themselves as labyrontes) consider this a grave
insult. They are known to slay centaurs on sight, and like to take minotaurs as
slaves. They have been known, on rare occasion, to ally themselves with ogres
or hill giant clans in order to attack walled cities.
-your taurine d20 despot
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