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carnotaurus reconstruction by DiBgd, altered by Steveoc 86, via Wikimedia |
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Carnotaurus illustration by Lida Xing and Yi Liu, from this article on how carnotaurus was so fast, via Wikimedia |
In any case, the creature presented below has both bite and gore attacks, it can swallow creatures whole with its bite attack, and deliver a free bull rush attempt with its gore attack. It also has a move speed of 50 ft., the same as a horse, letting easily catch up to a group of adventurers and commence with the biting.
The following text in gold is available as Open Game Content under the OGL. Open Game Content is ©2017 Jonah Bomgaars.
This huge beast pounds forward on two
powerful legs, its head sporting a toothy maw and thick horns
Carnotaurus CR 7
XP 3,200
N Huge animal
Init +7; Senses low-light vision; Perception +10
AC 23, touch 11, flat-footed 20 (+3
Dex, -2 size, +12 natural)
hp 93 (11d8+44)
Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +5
Speed 50 ft.
Melee bite +14 (2d8+8 plus grab/19-20),
gore +14 (2d8+8 plus bull rush)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks forceful horns, swallow
whole (Small-sized or smaller creatures only, 4d6 acid damage, AC 16, 9 hp)
Str 26, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 7
Base Atk +8; CMB +18 (+22 bull rush or grapple); CMD 31
Feats Improved Critical (bite), Improved
Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack, Run, Toughness
Skills Perception +10, Stealth +2
Forceful Horns (Ex)
Upon making
a successful gore attack, a carnotaurus can initiate a bull rush combat
maneuver against the target as a free action as if it had the Improved Bull
Rush feat. It gains a +2 racial bonus to all bull rush attempts.
Environment temperate and warm plains
Organization solitary
Treasure none
is a large predatory dinosaur noted for the pair of thick horns jutting out
above either eye. It uses these horns to ram its rivals in mating displays and
to clear other predators away from a kill. It is one of the fastest of the
large predatory dinosaurs, its powerful legs and muscular tail helping it reach
speeds of 30 miles per hour. It uses its incredible speed and fast-snapping
jaws to snatch up smaller prey and swallow it whole, or to pursue large
sauropods and wear them down with dozens of slashing bites. In contrast to its
impressive legs, the arms of the carnotaurus are shrunken and disused, smaller
even than those of a tyrannosaurus. Unlike many predatory dinosaurs,
carnotaurus has no feathers, but a scaly skin marked by several parallel
Plot Hooks and Encounter Ideas
- Carnotauruses have recently begun crossing the mountains, wreaking havoc on the kingdom's valuable elephant herds.
- A necromancer riding a skeletal carnotaurus.
- The party's favorite pub is threatened with closure by a power-hungry duke who wants the land for a private bathhouse. By royal law, the only way they can stop the takeover is if they beat the duke in a dinosaur race, but the duke's prized tyrannosaurus, Blue Betsy, is undefeated. Can the party capture and train a carnotaurus? Can their rag-tag dino-racing team beat the duke and save the tavern?
-your epaxial d20 despot
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