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Detail from 'Am Schönen Brunnen' by Anton Ebert, via Wikimedia |
Recently I have been interested in urban environments as habitats, and how wild animals adapt to live in man-made environments. Thinking about this in the context of fantasy RPGs brought up several ideas for urban monsters (one of which was the feral hivemind). The creniad derives from the crinaeae, Greek naiads associated with wells and fountains. There are already some urban fey, mostly household spirits like brownies and domovoi, but the idea of a nymph associated with urban water sources seemed like an interesting idea worth pursuing, since those fairies are usually depicted as being part of unspoiled nature rather than man-made environments.
The resulting monster (see the stat block below) is built around protecting these urban water sources. She has a number of water-based spells and abilities, but she can also curse those who despoil her water source, bless those who make offerings or wishes at her well, and even inhabit fountain statues. When a creniad's water source becomes polluted, she becomes ill, and she might even become corrupted, gaining an altered suite of spells and abilities that turn her into an evil spirit of vengeance!
The following text in gold is available as Open Game Content under the OGL. Open Game Content is ©2018 Jonah Bomgaars.
This beautiful woman is clad in diaphanous
robes and bears a pitcher overflowing with clear water
Creniad CR 3
XP 800
NG Medium fey
(urban, water)
Init +8; Senses low-light vision; Perception +2
AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 14 (+4
Dex, +4 deflection)
hp 27 (5d6+10)
Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +6
DR 5/cold iron
Defensive Abilities transparency
Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft.
Melee slam +1 (1d6-1)
Ranged splash +6 5ft.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th)
At will – alter reflectiond20
(DC 15), control water, create water, hydraulic push, meld into
stone, purify food and drink (water
3/day – river
whip, water jetd20 (DC 16)
1/day – aqueous
orb (DC 17), cup of dust (DC 17),
remove disease, rising water
1/week – scrying
(DC 18)
Str 9, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 18
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 19
Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative, Skill
Focus (Heal)
Skills Acrobatics +9, Diplomacy +12, Heal
+10, Knowledge (geography) +8, Knowledge (local) +10, Perception +12, Sense
Motive +12, Stealth +12, Swim +15
Languages Common, Sylvan
SQ bonded water source, offerings, statue
meld, unearthly grace
Bonded Water Source (Su)
A creniad is
mystically bound to a particular fountain or well from which she draws her
strength. A creniad who moves 300 yards beyond her fountain or well immediately
becomes sickened. Every hour thereafter, the must make a DC 15 Fortitude save
to resist becoming nauseated for an hour. A creniad that is out of range of her
bonded water source for 24 hours takes 1d6 points of Constitution damage, and
another 1d6 Con damage for every day that follows. A creniad can forge a new
bond with a new well or fountain by performing a 24-hour ritual and making a
successful DC 20 Will save. A creniad can use her spell-like abilities only
when she is within range of her water source.
While in contact with her water source, she
is aware of the water’s purity, any source of contaminants, and the exact
location of any creature moving through her water source. She can also squeeze
through any tight space that her water can flow through, such as the narrow
pipes of a fountain.
If the creniad’s water source becomes
contaminated by external means (such as the contamination of the aquifers or
aquaducts feeding it) or if fresh water ceases to reach her well or fountain
(due to drought or the drying up of an aquifer), the creniad becomes sickened
as if she were outside the area of her water source, and must begin making
hourly saves against nausea. She does not take daily Constitution damage unless
the water in her well or fountain dries up entirely. She can stave off these
effects by constantly casting purify food
and drink or create water for a
solid week, during which time she can take no other strenuous action. If the
problem is not resolved within a week, she loses access to her spell-like
Offerings (Su)
When someone
leaves a coin or other offering for the creniad, if the creniad so chooses, she
can bless the offerer with a 50% chance of gaining a +1 luck bonus on their
next skill check. Alternately, if the offerer then drinks of the fountain, the
creniad can affect them as if by the spell soothing
If someone removes a coin from the creniad’s
fountain or well, or contaminates the water source, she can choose to curse
them: each skill check they make for the next 24 hours has a 50% chance of
suffering a -1 luck penalty. This is a curse effect that lasts for 24 hours or
until the stolen coins are returned to the creniad’s bonded water source.
Splash (Su)
The creniad
can splash a creature with water from her pitcher as a ranged touch attack.
This attack has a range increment of 5 feet, to a maximum of 25 feet. The water
in her pitcher deals 2d4 points of damage to undead, aberrations, and creatures
which have defiled the sanctity or cleanliness of the creniad’s bonded water
source in the last 24 hours. It deals 2d6 points of damage to creatures with
the fire subtype. The water has no effect on other creatures, aside from
Statue Meld (Su)
If the
creniad’s bonded water source is a fountain containing statuary, when using her
meld into stone spell-like ability to
meld into a statue, she can see through the statue’s eyes and speak or cast
spells through its mouth. If the statue is in her image, she can use the statue
as her own body within the area of the fountain, lowering her movement speed to
20 feet but gaining DR/adamantine equal to the statue’s hardness.
Transparency (Su)
underwater, a creniad’s body becomes transparent, effectively rendering her
invisible. She can become visible or transparent at will as a free action.
Unearthly Grace (Su)
A creniad
adds her Charisma bonus as a deflection bonus to her Armor Class and CMD if she
wears no armor.
Environment urban
Organization solitary
Treasure standard
Creniads are
the guardian spirits of wells and fountains. They spend most of their time
invisibly lounging in their water or even melded into the stone that surrounds
them. Typical of fey living in urban environments, creniads are shy, appearing
only when it is most urgent. When they do appear, they have the form of
beautiful women clad in thin, wet robes, bearing pitchers that never empty of
water. It is common for passers-by to drop coins or other valuable offerings
into the well or fountain of a creniad, even if they are not aware of its
presence. Creniads value such offerings, often collecting them at night and
hoarding them someplace deep in their water source. Creniads give what aid they
can to those who leave them offerings and take care of their water sources.
They are especially sought after by pregnant women, for the creniad’s cool,
clean water is thought to ease the birthing process.
Creniads: Sometimes, when a fountain or well falls into disrepair and
becomes contaminated, a creniad will make a pact with dark forces in order to
survive in her corrupted home. She no longer suffers ill effects when her
bonded water source is contaminated, but the contamination does show in her
appearance. She becomes Neutral Evil and gains the evil alignment subtype. Her
Splash ability and slam attack spread filth fever, and her spell-like abilities
change to the following selection:
At will – alter reflectiond20
(DC 15), control water, create water, hydraulic push, meld into
stone, putrefy food and drink (water
3/day – river
whip, water jetd20 (DC 16), water of maddening (DC 16)
1/day – aqueous
orb (DC 17), cup of dust (DC 17),
contagion (DC 17), rising water
1/week – scrying
(DC 18)
- The party bard drunkenly pissed in one of the city’s many fountains last night. The party must now help him figure out which fountain it was and break the creniad’s curse before his big performance this evening.
- Trapped in a city under siege, many citizens have grown to rely on the aid of the creniad of the city's fountain. But when an enemy agent infiltrates the city and poisons the fountain, it is up to the adventurers to track down the poisoner and rescue the nymph.
- While exploring overgrown ruins of an ancient temple, the party encounters a vengeful corrupted creniad. They must either put her out of her misery or find some way to re-purify her defiled water source.
By the way, if you are a patron of mine over on Patreon, you might notice that I have skipped over a couple of really cool monsters (I'm thinking specifically of the bellwether and the armored grave, both made available to patrons back in January). The reason is that I am very excited to illustrate these monsters, but the most recent Windows 10 update introduced a bug that basically makes it impossible to draw on my Microsoft Surface. Roughly one out of every five brush strokes it interprets instead as an attempt to move the canvas. Until another update fixes this bug, those really cool monsters will have to wait on a shelf.
-your hydraulic d20 despot
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